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PAP “परियोजना प्रभावित व्यक्ति सुगमता केंद्र”

एक और उपलब्धि “शिक्षा समाधान ट्रस्ट” के सभी सदस्यों को मिला।

आज दिनांक 27 फरवरी 2023 दिन मंगलवार को PAP “परियोजना प्रभावित व्यक्ति सुगमता केंद्र” का उद्घाटन मुराईडीह कॉलोनी,काली मंदिर के समीप बीसीसीएल सामुदायिक भवन में किया गया ।

जिसका संचालन मुख्य रूप से “शिक्षा समाधान ट्रस्ट” एवं प्रेरणा महिला समिति द्वारा किया जाएगा।

इस कार्यक्रम मे मुख्य रूप से बरोरा क्षेत्र संख्या 1 के जी एम श्री पीयूष कुमार गोयल जी एवं प्रेरणा महिला समिति साथ ही हमारी संस्था “शिक्षा समाधान ट्रस्ट” के सभी सदस्य गण मौजूद थे।

इस केंद्र का संचालन करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य परियोजना प्रभावित व्यक्ति को शिक्षा एवं रोजगार के प्रति जागरूक करना है।

आज के इस कार्यक्रम में 25 परियोजना प्रभावित व्यक्ति मौजूद हुए सभी को प्रमाण पत्र, टी-शर्ट दिया गया।

इस कार्यक्रम में शिक्षा समाधान ट्रस्ट को श्रीमान पीयूष कुमार गोयल ,बरोरा क्षेत्र संख्या 1 के GM द्वारा स्वास्थ्य जांच सामग्री जैसे ब्लड प्रेशर मेजरमेंट मशीन,ग्लूकोमीटर ब्लड शुगर मशीन इत्यादि दिया गया ताकि बीच-बीच में परियोजना प्रभावित लोगों का स्वास्थ्य जांच होते रहे।https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hk19A7fd6cxaSTjhlD0pEG_r6F6-k2kC?usp=share_link

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Tabacco Controal

Today, on 17 February 2023, Friday, under the cooperation of “Shiksha Samadhan Trust” and “Smoking Prohibition Nodal Officer Dhanbad District” under Darida Panchayat. M. Drug free social building program was organized in Plaza.

There were many visitors from the society in this event. In the midst of it all people were made aware of tobacco diseases.

Today’s programme was present as the chief guest of Darida Panchayat Mrs. Parvati Devi ji. Thank you very much. Thank you very much to them

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Cyclothon Program

Today, on Tuesday 14 February 2023, under National Level Cyclothon Program at the nearest Ayushman Health and Wellness Center Nichitpur Baghmara area

This program was organized by all the members of “Shiksha Samadhan Trust” as well as the health workers of the health department from Dhanbad district.

Ride a cycle and stay healthy.

Ride a bicycle and have fun.

This campaign was carried out by cycling in the village area of 7,8 kilometers.

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Sister Mamta is very worried about stomach pain since 3 years.

Sister Mamta Kumari resident of Pochari Basti, Thana Barora, Baghmara area.

Sister Mamta is very worried about stomach pain since 3 years. They don’t even have a father nor a brother. Due to being from a poor family, the disease has not been tested properly till date.

This information was received by social worker and elder brother Ramjit Tudu ji. There will be a lot of support in his treatment by brother and our institution (Shiksha Samadhan Trust) will also be able to make it. We are ready to go.

Hence, you all are requested to contribute towards the treatment of this sister.

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